There are a number of reasons why some people may prefer color photographs while others prefer black and white.
One reason is that color photographs can be more realistic and provide a greater sense of the scene or subject as it appeared in real life. Color photographs can also convey mood and emotion through the use of color, and can be more visually striking and attention-grabbing.
On the other hand, black and white photographs can have a timeless, classic look and can be more subtle and nuanced. They can also focus the viewer's attention on the subject and the composition of the photograph, rather than on the colors. Black and white photographs can also convey a sense of nostalgia or a more artistic or dramatic mood.
Ultimately, the preference for color or black and white photographs is a matter of personal taste, and both can be used effectively in different situations. Some photographers may prefer one over the other for particular projects or subjects, while others may enjoy using both for different effects.